Things Keyboard Shortcuts


Create new items

command + nCreate a new to-do
spaceCreate a new to-do below selection
command + vPaste plain text to create new to-dos
command + shift + cCreate a checklist in an open to-do
command + shift + nCreate a new heading in a project
command + option + nCreate a new project
control + spaceOpen Quick Entry
option + control + spaceOpen Quick Entry with Autofill

Edit items

returnOpen a to-do or project
command + returnSave and close
escapeSave and close
command + dDuplicate a to-do or project
command + cCopy a to-do or project
command + vPaste a to-do or project
command + .Complete selected items
command + option + .Cancel selected items
deleteDelete selected items
command + lMove completed to Logbook

Select items

upSelect item above
downSelect item below
shift + upExtend selection upwards
shift + downExtend selection downwards
option + shift + upExtend selection to the top
option + shift + downExtend selection to the bottom
command + aSelect everything

Move items

command + shift + mMove selection to another list
command + option + vMove copied to-dos and projects
command + upMove selection up
command + downMove selection down
command + option + upMove selection to top of list
command + option + downMove selection to bottom of list

Edit dates

command + sShow Jump Start
command + tStart Today
command + eStart This Evening
command + rStart Anytime
command + oStart Someday
control + ]Start date +1 day (Help)
control + [Start date -1 day (Help)
control + shift + ]Start date + 1 week (Help)
control + shift + [Start date - 1 week (Help)
command + shift + dDirect access to set a Deadline
control + .Deadline +1 day
control + ,Deadline -1 day
control + shift + >Deadline +1 week (Help)
control + shift + <Deadline -1 week (Help)
command + shift + rMake to-do or project repeating

Control windows

command + control + nOpen new window
command + shift + `Cycle through open windows
command + wClose current window
command + option + wClose all windows
command + /Hide or show sidebar
command + option + tHide or show toolbar
command + control + fFull screen


command + 1Go to Inbox
command + 2Go to Today
command + 3Go to Upcoming
command + 4Go to Anytime
command + 5Go to Someday
command + 6Go to Logbook
command + shift + lShow to-do in list
rightEnter a selected project
leftReturn to previous list
option + upScroll to top
option + downScroll to bottom
command + option + control + upNavigate up in the sidebar
command + option + control + downNavigate down in the sidebar


any then keyStart typing to begin a search
command + fFind


command + control + tOpen tag window
escapeClose tag window
command + shift + tDirect access to add a tag
control + shortcutToggle a tag for selected to-do
option + control + shortcutFilter for a tag
command + click then any then tagSelect multiple tags
control + escapeDestroy previous filter


command + option + returnOpen a link