File menu
command + n | New Action |
command + shift + n | New Project |
option + command + n | New Window |
option + command + t | New Tab |
command + o | Quick Open |
command + w | Close |
command + s | Synchronize with Server |
command + shift + p | Page Setup |
command + p |
Edit menu
command + z | Undo |
command + shift + z | Redo |
command + x | Cut |
command + c | Copy |
command + v | Paste |
command + shift + option + v | Paste and Match Style |
command + a | Select All |
command + shift + a | Deselect All |
command + d | Duplicate |
command + ' | Edit Note |
command + shift + 1 | Convert to Project |
command + shift + r | Mark reviewed |
command + shift + l | Set/Clear Flag |
Organize menu
command + k | Clean up |
command + shift + ] | Add Inside |
command + shift + [ | Add Outside |
command + ] | Indent |
command + [ | Outdent |
option + command + g | Group |
option + command + u | Ungroup |
View menu
command + control + 9 | Expand all |
command + 0 | Collapse all |
command + control + ' | Show/Hide All Notes |
option + command + ' | Show/Hide Note |
option + command + r | Show in Projects/Tags |
option + command + s | Show/Hide Sidebar |
option + command + i | Show/Hide Inspector |
option + command + 1 | Go to Sidebar |
option + command + 2 | Go to Outline |
option + command + 3 | Go to Inspector |
shift + command + v | Show/Hide View Options |
Perspectives Menu
control + command + p | Show Perspectives |
command + 1 | Inbox |
command + 2 | Projects |
command + 3 | Tags |
command + 4 | Forecast |
command + 5 | Flagged |
command + 6 | Review |
option + command + c | Copy Style |
option + command + v | Paste Style |
control + command + delete | Clear Style |
command + t | Show/Hide Fonts |
shift + command + c | Show/Hide Colors |
command + b | Bold |
command + i | Italic |
command + u | Underline |
command + + | Bigger |
command + - | Smaller |